Last few days my website was under ddos and I've enabled cloudflare under attack mode and noticed in security events that wpdiscuz generated in the past 24 hours 940k events from the total of 970k
Is that normal? please see attachment
You should either disable the wpDiscuz Comment Bubble and the Live Update options or increase the value of the "Update Comment List Every" option. More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/live-commenting-and-notifications/#update-comment-list-every-x-seconds
Both can be found in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Live Commenting and Notifications admin page.
Yes I did and while it didn't stop, it's slowly going down right now it's 70k per day.
Right now it's blocked to it doesn't affect the website. Maybe it will go down to 0 some day 🙂