My current WP configuration :
- WordPress version: 5.7
- PHP/MySQL version: 7.4.16 / 5.7.30
- Theme used: Twenty Eleven
wpDiscuz (7.1.5),
wpDiscuz - Advanced Liking (7.0.5),
wpDiscuz - Embeds (1.0.9),
wpDiscuz - Emoticons (7.0.12),
wpDiscuz - Media Uploader (7.0.8),
wpDiscuz - myCRED Integration (7.0.4),
wpDiscuz - Online Users (7.0.4),
wpDiscuz - Subscription Manager (7.0.3),
Recently I found this in the add-ons settings:
But my licenses are valid until September 17, 2021:
What should I do to solve this?
Thanks for a reply.