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[Solved] Custom Ratings No Longer Updating on WooCommerce Product Pages or Catalog.

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Hello, Thanks for your amazing commenting plugin!

I'm having an issue currently, I installed this the other day and I added a custom rating to the form and I tested it out on my WooCommerce product pages and everything seemed to work just fine. After making a comment and giving it a rating and page would update with the stars at the top of the page next to the product photo & also on the products catalog pages as well.

Then last night I deactivated the plugin and also installed some other rating plugins I wanted to try out and now It's no longer updating. I deactivated all the plugins on my site aside from WooCommerce and your plugin and tried again and still nothing. I'm still allowed to rate and the stars will show up in the comments but it will not update at the top of the page under the title or on catalog pages still, It will however still show "(1 Customer Review)". I tried deleting and readding the custom rating too. Here's a link to my page to see...

Thanks for any help you can provide me, I'd really love to use this plugin!!

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Hi @mattcrux,

Please send the admin login details to info[at] email address I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you. 

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@elvina Thanks, I just sent them an email now! 

Illustrious Member Admin
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We've just checked your website, everything works fine. You'll just need to refresh the page to see the updated rating. 

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No, It's still not working.... Go to this page...

You'll see at the top right there is no Star Ratings under the title. Plus it is also not showing up on the products catalog page... I only see a link that says (1 Customer Review)... Before it was showing some stars there. As well as when scanning pages of products. Can you please help me figure it out? Thanks

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Also Here's an example of how it should look... The only reason the stars are showing up on this page right now is because I disabled the plugin which allowed me to rate it and have the stars show up, Then I re-enabled the plugin and those stars are still there but when I rate in the comments it will not update still...

Also you can see here on the products catalog page when you scroll down there are stars on that product as well. That's how it should look.

Thanks for any help!

Illustrious Member Admin
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Could you please check it again? The issue should be solved. 

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It's still not working, I just tried commenting and rating on this product and the stars don't update after refreshing, I only see the (1 Customer Review) link.

Illustrious Member Admin
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The issue is fixed for that post as well. Please don't use other rating plugin. It stores wrong data in database, thus you see such an issue. 

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Ok, I don't have that plugin installed anymore though. I actually deleted them all. However, I'm still getting this issue... You keep fixing them and I see the stars are there but what are you doing to fix them? Because again still when I make new ratings those ratings are still not showing up so the problem is still persisting in some form. I'm not sure what you are doing, but it seems like only a bandaid for the bigger problem that is occurring. Do I need to delete some sort of table in MySQL database or something? How can I fix it so that I don't need to message you to get the stars to show up? Thanks

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Hi @mattcrux,

As Astghik already mentioned data in the database is stores in the wrong way, thus you see such an issue. 

The developers checked it one more time. Could you please check it one more time, and let us know. The issue should be solved.

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THANK YOU VERY MUCH! It is now finally working!!!! I'm very grateful for your patience with me and this matter and I'm very pleased with the outcome! I love your guy's plugin and am thankful I'm able to continue using it now. Much Love & Appreciation for your time!! <3

Elvina reacted
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