I purchased your ad manager plugin a few days ago and it caused a conflict with my other wordpress plugins. It is deactivated for now. It messed up my other plugins, I run a contest site that hasn't opened for the public yet. I need to run ads on the site. When I installed it, it messed up my calendar used to set contest dates. It changed the look of the calendar too. When it did that, I was not able to set dates for any contests. My developer said to contact you and gave this message about your plugin:
the fix would be: loading their "assets" on their admin screen only, and not on the entire WordPress admin, because that is causing issues on other plugins.
The team lead disabled the "ads manager" plugin for you temporarily. You can enable it again, but the dates controls of the contest won't work while you have this plugin enabled. So what you can do in the meantime: every time you need to change contest dates, disable the "ads manager" plugin, then enable it back when you don't need to change contest dates again.
That is what my developer said to do, but I prefer it to work together with my other plugins and not have a conflict, and not have to deactivate it just to set contests dates. is there a way you can fix this so that ad manager runs its own files and not add to the whole wordpress plugins on my site? I have it disabled for now, I am not running ads yet, but will be once the site is running a few weeks to a month.
Sheri Dennis