Why is my banner displayed when I'm logged in (as admin, editor, author, contributor or subscriber) but not when brwosing anonymously?
Why is there a "Hide for roles" for a guest or user without role association?
I can't get control over that either. I bought all of the add-ons including the one that lets you remove that and replace it with a rating system. Does not work for me yet but would love to get an answer on this.
Hi maneperson,
all settings of all addons are located in Comments > Settings > Addons admin page, you have control over all addon functions. If you can't find any option please specify. This topic was created for Ads Manager Addon, but as far as I see it doesn't have any relation to your question.
Why is my banner displayed when I'm logged in (as admin, editor, author,
contributor or subscriber) but not when brwosing anonymously?
Please make sure you've removed all cache after creating the banner.
Why is there a "Hide for roles" for a guest or user without role
I didn't follow you. Gusts have no user role. You can hind banner for user roles when you edit an Ad.
Banner is only shown to registered users. That's the problem.
Reset ads cache = Page not found (404). Reset banners cache = Page not found (404)