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How can I disable tooltips/hover effect (addons)?

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I've just installed a few addons, which work great with one exception:

At least one of addons introduced a tooltip/hover effect, for users that are logged in, which conflicts with my theme.

See the attachment: left is the normal tooltip, right is what it becomes when a user logs in (on forum pages only).

tooltip issue

I doubt just modifying the CSS will do the trick. I suspect some kind of JavaScript needs to be disabled.

Any help is appreciated.

wpForo version: 1.7.0
 - wpforo-ad-manager v1.1.1, 
 - wpforo-advanced-attachments v2.0.1, 
 - wpforo-embeds v2.0.2, 
 - wpforo-private-messages v1.2.4

Note: The theme I'm using is custom build by myself. It takes the HTML title tag, through JavaScript, to show a nice tooltip. Unfortunately, as far as I can guess, a script from one of the wpForo addons is interfering with that.


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Trying to debug this, I've narrowed it down to the "wpforo-advanced-attachments" plugin.

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Hi @hansaplastique,

Please send the admin login details to info[at] email address to allow us to check it. 


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For some reason I cannot post here ... each reply I try to send is being rejected for unknown reasons.


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Well, a simple reply seems to work ... I'll try to simply my reply ...

The issue is caused by the "wpforo-advanced-attachments" plugin which includes jQuery.UI. This jQuery.UI CSS file includes the ui.tooltip function which in turn seems to take over all Title tags of all HTML elements.
So the conflict is may mainly be caused by the jQuery.UI tooltip?

To disable this effect:

I removed the ui.tooltip code, from /wp-content/plugins/wpforo-advanced-attachments/wpf-third-party/file-uploader/js/jquery-ui.min.js.
Since this file contains minimized JavaScript code, you may have to search a little (tip: a tool like Online JavaScript Beautifier can make things more readable, search for ' e.widget("ui.tooltip") ').

The code starts at (because the code is minified, mentioning a specific line would not be useful):

, e.widget("ui.tooltip" ...

all the way until the end of the file, just make sure to leave this last part in place:


It would have been better to regenerate the jQuery.ui fresh and simply disable the tooltip option there before generating the new code, but at the time I tried this there seemed to be a problem with the jQuery website for that particular page.


I feel this to be more of a dirty "hack" than anything else, and it will probably have consequences elsewhere in the forum.

Maybe in a future releases of wpForo's Advanced Attachments Addon this issue can be taken into consideration ...  (none of the other addons use it)

Thanks again for the support, a great forum and some great addons!



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I had marked the text so it would be easier to read (using bold and code), and added a few reference links. But, probably since I haven't done enough posts here, they kept being rejected.

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I removed the ui.tooltip code, from /wp-content/plugins/wpforo-advanced-attachments/wpf-third-party/file-uploader/js/jquery-ui.min.js.

wpForo Advanced Attachments add-on uses native (core) jQuery lib, so the code you've removed doesn't belong to wpForo core plugin, the file you've modified (jquery-ui.min.js ) is from jQuery lib. We don't recommend to delete any code from this file. Each time when you update the plugin all changes will be lost. 

Regarding the issue, it is caused by the current active theme (from the menu hover effect) you use. It will be better if you check the codes one more time and try to fix the issue in the theme files, not in the jQuery core files.


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Hi Elvina,

Thank you for the reply ...

I totally agree that modifying a plugin is hardly ever a good idea,... especially because future updates will overwrite the changes made, that's why I said that it feels more like a dirty hack than anything else.

I'm trying to find a proper solution, but when 2 functions try to compete for the same "title" tag of HTML elements, it becomes quite a challenge. Which function ever takes the title tag first, wins.

I tried modifying my theme, by having tooltips only applied to non-wpforo content by using the jQuery :not selector, like so: jQuery(":not(#wpforo-wrap).[title]").tooltip(...);

Which works work for the tooltip of my theme, it will leave every [title] tag in the wpForo section of the page alone. However, it does not resolve the issue, since the jQuery.UI tooltip aggressively takes all title tags as it selects every [title].

I realize I'm just one customer, so I'd fully understand if this is not an option... but would it be possible, for future releases of the Advanced Attachments plugin, to have this jQuery.UI tooltip initialization to only apply to content in the #wpforo-wrap?

So instead of using the [title] selector, using something like "#wpforo-wrap.[title]" (may not the correct notation) instead of "[title]", when jQuery.UI tooltip is being initialized, as this is an option with the jQuery tooltip function, and would require only a small change in one location of the plugin code.

I'd love to experiment with this on my test server, to see if I can help finding a fix for this. But activating the plugin on my MAMP setup would require an additional license, and testing on my production server (as you can understand) is simply not an option.

Thank you for your time, I do appreciate the interaction. 

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We don't recommend to delete any code from this file.

We mean that no one is allowed to modify the jquery-ui.min.js library.

I'm really sorry but we can't do this.

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