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[Solved] Points display issues

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There are a few issues with the displaying of points.  They currently display like this: points:19000


I believe they should look like this: Points: 19,000


1. The P should be capitalized like it is in the wpForo myCRED addon. 

2. There should be a space right after the colon and before the first digit. It's also like it is in wpForo myCRED addon.  

3. There should be a use of a comma when thousandths are used.  This is also an issue is the wpFORO addon and should be fixed there as well. 


You can see the attached screenshots for reference.


wpDiscuz example



wpForo example



Thank you, 



7 Replies
Posts: 1403
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Hi @chris-r,

Please leave the example URL to allow us to check it.

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Posts: 53


Hi Elvina, 


I just pm'ed you with the links.


Thank you, 



Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 1403


Thank you.

1. The P should be capitalized like it is in the wpForo myCRED addon. 

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling admin page, put the following CSS code in the "Custom CSS code" textarea:

#wpcomm .wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap {
text-transform: none !important;

2. There should be a space right after the colon and before the first digit. It's also like it is in wpForo myCRED addon.  

The issue will be fixed in the next version update.

In case if  you want to solve it as soon as possible please follow the steps below:

1. Find this line:

$afterLabelHtml .= '<div class="wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap">' . $pointsLable . ':' . $balance . '</div>';

2. Replace with the following one:

$afterLabelHtml .= '<div class="wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap">' . $pointsLable . ':' . '&nbsp' . $balance . '</div>';

Don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.

3. There should be a use of a comma when thousandths are used.  This is also an issue is the wpFORO addon and should be fixed there as well. 

We'll take it into consideration. 

However the Points value comes from MyCred plugin, so it will be better if you contact MyCred plugin support and asked them this question.



Joined: 5 years ago

Posts: 53



Hi Elvina, 


Man! You're on top of this forum!  I really appreciate the help.  


Posted by: @elvina

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling admin page, put the following CSS code in the "Custom CSS code" textarea:

#wpcomm .wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap {
text-transform: none !important;

That worked like a charm!


Posted by: @elvina

The issue will be fixed in the next version update.

In case if  you want to solve it as soon as possible please follow the steps below:

1. Find this line:

$afterLabelHtml .= '<div class="wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap">' . $pointsLable . ':' . $balance . '</div>';

2. Replace with the following one:

$afterLabelHtml .= '<div class="wpdiscuz-mycred-points-wrap">' . $pointsLable . ':' . '&nbsp' . $balance . '</div>';

Don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.

Awesome!  I'm glad its being fixed in an update, I think I'll just wait for that.  I do appreciate you offering a quick fix in case I needed it right way. 


Posted by: @elvina

3. There should be a use of a comma when thousandths are used.  This is also an issue is the wpFORO addon and should be fixed there as well. 

We'll take it into consideration. 

However the Points value comes from MyCred plugin, so it will be better if you contact MyCred plugin support and asked them this question.


Hmm. that's weird, the points are showing up with a comma in both my theme (Logged in menu) and the Ultimate Member profile.  The only places they aren't are wpForo and wpDiscuz. 


I will try to reach out to the MyCred team though like you suggested and see what I can figure out. 


Thanks again Elvina,



Posts: 53
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Elvina, 


I explained the situation to the MyCred developers and heard back from them.  This is their response:


These are third party plugins they are not using the function which adds the comma in the points.
They can use the below example code in their plugins to make the points format as per the settings.

$point_balance = new myCRED_Point_Type();

$point_balance->format( 16040 );


Hopefully this helps. 


Thank you, 


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Posts: 1403


Thank you for sharing the information.

We'll take it into consideration and try to add in the next versions update.


Joined: 5 years ago

Posts: 53


You're very welcome!  


Thanks and take care, 



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