This is not the login, this is the nickname. All WP plugins uses user Nickname. You should allow your users to change the nickname if you want to increase security. Nickname is unique and we can use it for mentioning. The display name can't be used for this purposes. The same thing you can see on forum profile. All Users nickname can be found on profile page and it's in 99% cases match with username. There is no other way. If you have a profile plugin you can add Nickname field and let your users change it to make it different. WordPress generates nickname based on username and those in 99% match each other (it removes spaces and special symbols).
Thank you for reply. I really understand what you say.
line 319 and 418
$username = $userData->user_login;
It was solved by customizing it as follows.
$username = $userData->display_name;
and line 451
esc_html($phraseGuests) -> esc_html($username)
please confirm. thank you.
I am writing a lot, but I really like this plugin. 🙂
Thank you for reply. I really understand what you say.
$username = $userData->display_name;
please confirm. thank you.
This doesn't solve it this breaks it. Please change it to $userData->user_nicename , never use display name for tagging, it may contain space and other symbols and it'll break all user taggings. This addon also has UserID tagging. You can manage it in Comments > Settings > Addons > User Mentioning Tab.
>You can manage it in Comments > Settings > Addons > User Mentioning Tab.
Sorry, Ican't understand.. Where can I set it? there is no User Mentioning Tab.
Ah, sorry, I though you use wpDiscuz User & Comment Mentioning addon. Now all is clear. I'll let our team know about this. We'll change it to Display name in next wpDiscuz Advanced Likers version.
We just changed this in addon core and released new version 1.0.4. You can update it in Dashboard > Plugins admin page. Then don't forget to delete all cache.
How great!!