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WP Discuz isn't showing on LMS or Profile Pages

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Hi WP Discuz,

We just uploaded and activated the WP Discuz plugin and plan on purchasing the addons bundle, but we need to see how the plugin interacts with our site before we commit. We carefully went through all of the settings for WP Discuz and went to check on our new comments, but we don't see any of the new features, colors, or layouts.


For your reference, we are also using the following up-to-date social plugins and theme:

KLEO Theme

Learndash LMS

Uncanny Learndash Toolkit


BuddyPress for Learndash


Learndash and bbPress integration

Memberpress Plus

Learndash Memberpress

Memberpress and BuddyPress integration


rtMedia for Wordpress, BuddyPress, and bbPress


Youzer - Activity Reactions

Youzer - Member Types

Youzer - MyCRED

Youzer - Social Share


Please feel free to visit the site to explore and see the comment sections for yourself to possibly troubleshoot:

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!


- Kat

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4217

Hi @kat,

Please note that wpDiscuz is the WordPress native comment system extender. Wherever you see the native comment system you'll be able to replace it with wpDiscuz. But the BuddyPress Profile comment system doesn't have any relation to WordPress native comment system, it's a custom discussion board with custom functions, there is no way to use wpDiscuz on BuddyPress profile/commenting pages.

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