I followed the tutorial but It didnt work. I suspended there is problem in my template.
How can I active comment under my jobs part. Is it about single.php or Should I add code both single.php and comments php.
Also I tried to attach my comments.php and single job php but it didnt attach. If you want I can send you.
Look forward to hearing back from you,
Best Regards.
Could you please deactivate wpDiscuz and check if the default comment system is there? If so, please explain what have you tried exactly that didn't work?
As I said before, there is no comment section before wpdiscuz 🙂 But I want to add comment section under jobs via WPDiscuz. Please help, I want wp discuz to be appeared under job section.
If you want, I can send my single-job.php and comments php. Which code I should add for activating comments section under jobs
If both are simple posts, please make sure the individual comment option is enabled. Just edit the post and check these:
If this is not a simple post, this is a different post type (e.g.: jobs) you should check this post type creator plugin options and enable comments. Or just contact to this plugin support team. Until comments are not enabled for this post type wpDiscuz has no chance to be loaded. Once you enabled comments, navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Forms admin page, edit the Default Form and enable wpDiscuz for this post type. Then delete cache and check it on front-end:
I did all you explained in above. But still doesnt work. Could you share support team e-mail please?
Best Regards.
What have you done? Please explain, it's important. I didn't get information about your posts. Are they a simple posts? What post type is the one which doesn't have comments?
In My website, I am selling services like fiverr. But comment section is appeared under blog post but it doesnt appear under job page (https://ilginchizmetler.com/jobs/cizerler/kisiye-ozel-cizgi-roman /a> ) I have marked all things that you said in above (edit forms part and in per job, I allowed to be appeared comments under jobs) But still comments doesnt appear under job page.
I think it isnt written comment part code into single-job php (it is servicese page code)
If you want to look more closely. I can share my comments php file and single-job.php.
doesn't exist on my WP. Someone else had this problem on the first page of this thread but you never addressed it.
I thought it might be my theme so I changed theme to one of the default themes that was included in my WP download. I don't get it on this new theme either.
Can you please advise because this seems way harder than it should be!
doesn't exist on my WP. Someone else had this problem on the first page of this thread but you never addressed it.
I thought it might be my theme so I changed theme to one of the default themes that was included in my WP download. I don't get it on this new theme either.
Can you please advise because this seems way harder than it should be!
This is the default WordPress Screen Options, this is closed by default, you should click on the top right [Screen Options] button to open that.
However I don't think this is the first thing you should check if wpDiscuz comment form is missing. Firs you should care about wpDiscuz comment form settings. Navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Forms admin page, edit the Default Form, make sure it's enabled for all post types and for all user roles you want and save it. Then delete all caches and refresh the front-end.
If you have other comment plugins, please disable all those.
Also please live some link to the page where we can see the problem.
No luck. Please see images below. Of course I cleared my history and refreshed the front end. Also tried in both Chrome and Firefox.
My assumption is that "the form doesn't show up" means that ordinarily Default Form should show up as a post and/or page depending on what check buttons are checked? Can you please confirm?