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[Solved] Only Standard WordPress comments form will show in events post type.

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The Events Calendar recently did a significant update of their plugin which led me to have to make some major changes to my site to keep using it going forward...and I'm doing that on a staging site, currently.

Since the update, however, only the standard WordPress comment form will work on events and it did work previously.

The Tribes Event Calendar template uses the <?php comments_template()?> so it should work just fine...

at least this is what they have for events in the template:

<?php if ( get_post_type() == Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE && tribe_get_option( 'showComments', false ) ) comments_template() ?>

but I've tried just using the simplified version above.

The WP Discuz form is working just fine on regular posts.

And, while a user can add a comment using the standard form which shows on events instead of the WP Discuz form, no comments are actually shown.

I have the tribe_events post type enabled for the form.

I have all the correct boxes checked to allow comments.

I've tried clearing caches and doing a ctrl-f5

I've tried editing my event calendar template.

--Nothing works.

I've also contacted Modern Tribes about the issue.

the staging site (sample event) is at

Any ideas on how to fix this?


screenshot 2020.01 (1)
screenshot 2020.01 (2)


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Hi @cheryldimof,

We've just checked on our test websites and the wpDiscuz form is working fine for event pages too.

Please check the points mentioned in this documentation and leave some feedback for each

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1. No other comment plugins activated.

2. OK, I had a separate form for events, but I disabled it, enabled tribe_events type for the primary form, deleted all caches and did ctrl - f5. The WPDiscuz form is still not showing up.

3. All new posts commenting is enabled.

4. Comments are allowed in event posts.

5. There is a setting in The Events Calendar to enable comments. The comment form does not show at all while it's switched off. It's on, but showing what looks like the native WordPress comments form. Until a recent update (either of the events calendar or my theme, which was necessitated by the events calendar update) the WPDiscuz form showed on events.

6. I referred to the code in the single-event template for the events calendar in my first post.


I've tried 1-6 but am not sure how to get the correct comment form showing again.

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Please send the admin login detail to the info[at] to allow us to check it.

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@elvina Hi, I sent the login details the other day. Did you get them? It's still an issue and I'm now getting spam on the default comment form that is showing on events (comments can be left but no comments will show, even for approved users and, apparently, there's no spam control there.)




This post was modified 5 years ago by cheryldimof

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Thank you for the admin details.

The developers just checked and they say that probably there is some plugin or the active theme that prevents the wpDiscuz form to be loaded.

We recommend to deactivate the plugin one by one and check after each deactivation to find the problem maker one. if none of the plugins caused the issue, please switch to some default theme and check again.

 It's still an issue and I'm now getting spam on the default comment form that is showing on events (comments can be left but no comments will show, even for approved users and, apparently, there's no spam control there.)

We may suggest you install some anti-spam plugins like Akismet. It filters out hundreds of spam comments. 

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@elvina I can try disabling plugins. However, like I said, it was working previously. I have Akismet installed already and I don't have trouble with spam on my primary form. Somehow, the default form that's getting placed in events doesn't seem to have the same filter. 😥  


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Hi @elvina ,

I went ahead on my staging site and disabled plugins and one by one found what was causing it, and was able to replicate on my live site. The culprit plugin was...


Not one of its addons, WooCommerce itself. For some reason, when I have WooCommerce enabled, the WPDiscuz comment form does not display on events (which have NO product info on a page) and displays the default form instead and doesn't show any comments as well. Once I disable WooCommerce, the right comment form appears.

While I don't have many products right now, I am planning to start using it more and don't want to disable WooCommerce. I additionally tried turning off any settings in WooCommerce for reviews, but that didn't work, only disabling the plugin worked.

Any ideas for a solution to this?


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I'm back to this issue again after solving some other issues with a different plugin.

So, again, I used to be able to show the WPDiscuz comment form on tribe_events type posts. I have the form configured correctly for it, and I have tried all of the steps you've suggested and your documentation suggested previously.

Yet I get the standard form and comments don't show UNLESS I disable WooCommerce. As I plan to use WooCommerce going forward and like WP Discuz, I'd like to know how to solve this issue. While I do not NEED to have comments on events, I would like to do so and this just became an issue recently -- it was working before.

Any idea on how I should proceed with this? Contact WooCommerce? When I disable Woo the WPDiscuz form shows just fine, but when I have it enabled it does not. I've tried enabling comments for products and then checking the box for that on the comment form, but that did nothing. Not sure why WooCommerce would affect WPDiscuz on events posts, but it does.



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I disabled WPDiscuz temporarily and tried another comment plugin. It is showing the same behavior, so I'm thinking that this is NOT a WPDiscuz issue after all. However, WooCommerce cannot help with it. But there seems to be something in their plugin that's conflicting with comments on events. I'll check in again with The Events Calendar and see if there's anything they can suggest.

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The issue doesn't have any relation with the wpDiscuz, so it can't be solved by the wpDiscuz side.

We may only suggest to contact the  WooCommercne plugin support and let them know about the issue.

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Yeah, that's what I was saying, I realized it was not a WPDiscuz issue, finally. However, I'm writing this for anyone who has a similar issue...

A few things seemed to be going on, and I still don't know why disabling WooCommerce made the form work for events but...

First of all, if you're using the Divi theme, comments in theme options have to be turned on for pages.

Doing that finally made the WPDiscuz form show at the end of tribe_events post types BUT I also had a second comment form above that under the related events. This was surrounded with something like #comment-wrap, which seems to be added by Divi. I hid that and now I have one WPDiscuz comment form showing for all post types, including events. So, it seems to be solved.

Elvina reacted
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Thank you for letting us know.

Glad to hear the issue is solved.


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