In addition of my previous message, I see that on your website and your comment system that you have the ability to quote a member without having another windows which is scaled and this is what I want so having the quote (response) on the same windows...
Is there any option I can change to do this or template edit?
Any add-on which is compatible with your comment system?
To be honest, since i have installed your plugin, all things around the comment system don't work anymore because of the compatibility...
Please leave some example URLs and Screeshots. What exactly in incompatible? All wpDiscuz CSS code are pointed to #wpcomm ID wrapper. wpDiscuz can't affect other parts' layout and style.
So, is there quote comment plugin which is compatible with your add-on because I have installed a couple of plugins but it doesn't work.
There is no any reason to use quote in your comment content if you have an option to reply and display your reply directly under the comment you want to quote. wpDiscuz has very extendable nested comment thread system with Reply function. Have you found these features? Please see the DEMO: As you see all replies are nested and you see obviously the quoting logic and sequence.
In addition of this you can use "<blockquote>...</blockquote>" HTML tag in comment content.