I can see that the text-area, in which I am writing in this forum right now, is made with CKEditor.
I tried replacing default WordPress comment text-area with CKEditor. It works very well.
But when I tried to replace wpDiscuz comment text-area, The CKEditor text-area is not properly rendered.
I used following code:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'wc_comment', {
extraPlugins: 'mathjax'
} );
Hi cnpatel,
wpDiscuz has it own built-in quicktags. You can enable it from Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Comment Form admin page.
Mor info here:
I can see that the text-area, in which I am writing in this forum right now, is made with CKEditor.
The rich editor you've mentioned is a wpForo forum plugin editor, we're using wpForo forum plugin here. wpDiscuz doesn't have such editor. You can check wpDiscuz plugin here.
Hi, I would like to support the wish of the original poster to have a more advanced editor for the comments, TinyMCE-like. Quicktags are so nineties-era. At least allow us to install third-party plugins like CKEditor.
You have quick-tags, not icons. Normal people don't like codes. What if you add both, icons and quick-tags, in wpDiscuz and let us choose in setting, what we want to add in our comment section?
Your GVectors forum also have icons in its text editor.