Hi there!
I am using Oxygen Builder ( https://oxygenbuilder.com/) with WordPress. I have the issue that WPDiscuz is not working. I got this answer from Oxygen's support team:
It looks like Oxygen is probably preventing the custom comment template from being loaded. This is because Oxygen disables the WordPress theme system entirely, so plugins that are dependent on some parts of the theme system won't work in some cases. WPDiscuz will have to take a look at this and advise on whether there's a way to make their templates load while the WordPress theme system is disabled. Please let me know what they say.
Is there a possibility to load the WPDiscuz form / comment list by a function directly? Or do you know another solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @speroni,
Thank you for using wpDiscuz and for contacting us.
It seems the theme doesn't use <?php comments_template() ?> WordPress template function, thus wpDiscuz can’t be loaded. You should make sure this function exists in the comment section.
More information here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/comments_template
Thank you for quick reply. I added a code block including
<?php comments_template() ?>
Nothing is shown. I also followed your guide https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-documentation/getting-started/missing-comment-form/
Please note that Oxygen is a plugin (not a theme!) which replaces the WordPress theme engine. When I deactivate WPDiscuz, the standard comment list + form is shown. When I activate WPDiscuz, there is no output.
ok @speroni,
It would be easy for us to check if you provide us the admin login details, or install and activate the Duplicator — WordPress Migration Plugin, backup your WordPress site and send it to info[at]gvectors.com email address to allow us to check it.
Hi @speroni,
I'm really sorry, but this can't be fixed by wpDiscuz side. This plugin doesn't use the WordPress theme system thus wpDiscuz cannot be loaded. The plugin uses its own commenting system and it cannot be replaced by wpDiscuz comment form.
Can you provide some kind of hook or filter which can be used to alter where the plugin looks for its templates?
Hi @speroni,
There are two possible options
the first one is using the code mentioned in this support topic:
Or you should contact the Oxygen plugins support and ask them some way to add the <php comments_template()> function.
Thank you.
Option 1:
I added the code and receive following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WpdiscuzHelper' not found in ...
Option 2:
I can add code blocks myself. <php comments_template()> works only when WPDiscuz is deactivated. When I turn it on, output is empty.
The wpDiscuz is designed to be loaded on a single post/page, it's not designed for archive pages like Categories, Tags, Author, Search, etc... Please make sure you don't try to load on non-single (archive) pages.
Yes, I am using it for single posts only. I assume that otherwise <php comments_template()> wouldn't work with wpDiscuz deactivated.
Hi @speroni,
The main reason is that the Oxygen plugin disables the WordPress theme system, as they already mentioned. I'm really sorry but I have no clue about this.