When users comment, they click the "Post comment" button, but it's taking about 10 seconds to post the comment, so they think it's not posting.
1. Is there a fix for this issue (could it be in the settings somewhere... something I'm missing)?
2. Can you create a toggle for the "Post comment" button so that it becomes disabled after clicking it and changes the value of the button to, "Please wait..." or something along those lines?
Hi daviddietz,
Could you please leave your website URL to allow us to check it?
Hi @daviddietz,
Please navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Settings >General admin page, Enable "Use WordPress native AJAX functions" and chack again.
As far as I see you've done a customization that's why we couldn't guess what gonna wrong on your website.
Thanks. That's been enabled. The only customization I've made is to the submit button.
<input id="commentSubmit" class="wc_comm_submit wc_not_clicked button alt" type="submit" onclick="this.value='Please wait...';" onmouseup="changeCursor();" name="<?php echo $name; ?>" value="<?php echo $args['name']; ?>">
function changeCursor() {
document.getElementById("commentSubmit").style.cursor = "not-allowed";
I'll add that the delay still occurs with or without that customization.