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No email notice when member tagged in a post with @nicename

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When I tag a member with the @nicename that appears under their avatar, I get all the email notices about creating the topic, etc, but no email to the tagged user is sent.

Is there maybe a WP setting that interferes? I've found in setting up my WP-Foro site, some of the settings issues I've run into are because the regular WP site settings are overriding WP-Foro's…. Or is there a WP-Foro place I need to activate this function?

The hover text suggests this should be an automatic feature that "just works".

Thank you for advice!

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4217

Hi wetcircuit,

First I need to know if the user is correctly tagged. Is that turned to user link?

Please leave some URL to allow us test it.

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