Hi and thank you for a great plugin!
I'm running a forum for internet an alphabets. When registering I use registration magic plugin which changes wordpress username to e-mailadress.
Is there a way to automatically change the Display name and the @Nickname name to Wordpress nickname? As of now the WP Foro Display name and @Nickname shows the users e-mail address.
With best regards,
Hi @bb,
WordPress and wpForo have three different names for Users:
- Username (Login) – Being used for forum authorization (login, sign-in) action
- Display Name – Other users and guests see in user profile details and next to user posts (post author name).
- Nickname – Unique name which is used in WordPress and wpForo core to generate user Profile URL. In other words, this is the user slug. For example example.com/community/profile/martin59/.
After a regular user registration process, Username, Display Name and Nickname are set the same. For example, If you register a user with “Martin59” Username your user names look like this:
- Username – Martin59
- Display Name – Martin59
- Nicename – martin59
So wpForo just shows the fields and it gets from Wordpress. The plugin you're using for registration is set the users e-mail address as a nickname and wpForo just shows those emails as a nickname. This should be configured by the registration plugin you're using but not the wpForo side.
I have the same issue. The membership plugin we're using automatically sets the username as the email address. Could you at least provide an option to automatically generate a random Nickname so that if a user posts a question or reply before they change it, their email address won't be exposed?
All process of user creating during the registration are being done by WordPress core functions. wpForo only provides a nice registration form and page. So you should search such option in corresponding plugins not in wpForo. there are some plugins which may help you:
The Nickname field being used by wpForo is a native property of Wordpress?