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Automatically set Display name to users Wordpress nickname

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Hi and thank you for a great plugin!

I'm running a forum for internet an alphabets. When registering I use registration magic plugin which changes wordpress username to e-mailadress.

Is there a way to automatically change the Display name and the @Nickname name to Wordpress nickname? As of now the WP Foro Display name and @Nickname shows the users e-mail address.


With best regards,



This topic was modified 6 years ago 2 times by bb

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6262

Hi @bb,

WordPress and wpForo have three different names for Users:

  • Username (Login) – Being used for forum authorization (login, sign-in) action
  • Display Name – Other users and guests see in user profile details and next to user posts (post author name).
  • Nickname – Unique name which is used in WordPress and wpForo core to generate user Profile URL. In other words, this is the user slug. For example

After a regular user registration process, Username, Display Name and Nickname are set the same. For example, If you register a user with “Martin59” Username your user names look like this:

  • Username – Martin59
  • Display Name – Martin59
  • Nicename – martin59

So wpForo just shows the fields and it gets from Wordpress. The plugin you're using for registration is set the users e-mail address as a nickname and wpForo just shows those emails as a nickname. This should be configured by the registration plugin you're using but not the wpForo side.

New Member
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Posts: 2

I have the same issue. The membership plugin we're using automatically sets the  username as the email address. Could  you at least provide an option to automatically generate a random Nickname so that if a user posts a question or reply before they change it, their email address won't be exposed?

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All process of user creating during the registration are being done by WordPress core functions. wpForo only provides a nice registration form and page. So you should search such option in corresponding plugins not in wpForo. there are some plugins which may help you:

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The Nickname field being used by wpForo is a native property of Wordpress?

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
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@onescripter, yes it is.

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