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[Solved] Different Stickers classified by category

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I would like to know how to get "Stickers" categorized like you did here ?

Thank you,


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Posts: 6274
Illustrious Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi @jacques-quinet,

I would like to know how to get "Stickers" categorized like you did here ?

Here we use the wpForo forum plugin and the Emoticons belong to the wpForo forum plugin.

However, the wpDiscuz also allows you to add new emoticons packages and switch to any package you want.

Adding Custom Smile Packages

To create a new Smiles package, please follow this instruction:

  • Create “wpdiscuz” folder in WordPress /wp-content/ directory
  • Create “emoticons” folder in WordPress /wp-content/wpdiscuz/ directory
  • Choose a unique name for your new package and create a folder using this name in /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/ directory. For example “mysmiles“, the end directory will be /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/mysmiles/
  • Copy all files from /wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz-emoticons/emoticons/ directory to /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/mysmiles/
  • Change the new package demonstration icon mysmiles/icon.png, but do not rename it.
  • Delete all images in mysmiles/img/ folder and upload your new emoticons images.
  • Open mysmiles/wpsmiliestrans.php file and change new image names according emoticons’ code.
  • Then come back to this page and find the emoticons package switcher.


Posts: 55
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hello Astghik,

Thank you for the return and for the clarification.
There's one thing I don't understand.
I quote you:

Posted by: @astghik

Change the new package demonstration icon mysmiles/icon.png, but do not rename it.

Why do we have to change this icon, and also, if we change it, what should its dimensions be?

Another question:
Will the old icons stay in place?
Will the new ones I'll put in place be the same size as the "Stickers" I've already put in place? (64x64 pixels)

Because that's the idea, it's to add "stickers" in one or two different categories.
I understood that to do it the same way as here, it wasn't possible, but maybe in another way.

Have a nice day,



Posts: 55
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Astghik,

Sorry for the delay in the replies.
Don't forget I'm a real newbie.

Since I didn't get a reply from you, I tried anyway...

Well, I've done everything, as you told me.
But nothing works. {green}:crying:

Here's the structure in the directories:

"poires" take the place of "mysmiles"

This is what I have inside "poires" :

Here de description of "icon.png":


Inside the directory of img :

Example of the detail "bigsmile-p.svg" :


Here is the modification of the file "wpsmiliestrans.php" :


if (!defined("ABSPATH")) {

$this->wpsmiliestrans = [
":wpds_bigsmile-p:" => ["file"=>"bigsmile-p.svg", "title"=> "bigsmile-p"],
":wpds_fou-p:" => ["file"=>"fou-p.svg", "title"=> "fou-p"],
":wpds_lol-p:" => ["file"=>"lol-p.svg", "title"=> "lol-p"],
":wpds_mdr-p:" => ["file"=>"mdr-p.svg", "title"=> "mdr-p"],
":wpds_oeil-p:" => ["file"=>"oeil-p.svg", "title"=> "oeil-p"],
":wpds_oh-p:" => ["file"=>"oh-p.svg", "title"=> "oh-p"],
":wpds_prof-p:" => ["file"=>"prof-p.svg", "title"=> "prof-p"],
":wpds_slurp-p:" => ["file"=>"slurp-p.svg", "title"=> "slurp-p"],
":wpds_sourire-p:" => ["file"=>"sourire-p.svg", "title"=> "sourire-p"],
":wpds_triste-p:" => ["file"=>"triste-p.svg", "title"=> "triste-p"],


And finally going into the settings of wpDiscuz-Emoticons here's what it is:

Position normal :

And with the green dot activated, The old stickers are coming back ! {green}:crying:  

And on the comments page, the green emoticon (icon.png) never appears:

I suppose I must have do something wrong? {green}:shutmouth:  
But what?
Thanks for reading me.

Have a nice week-end,







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Joined: 7 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 6274


We're really sorry, but there is no way to display more than one tab in wpDiscuz Emoticons addon. You can add the emotions in the same package and display all emotions at once.

Joined: 5 years ago

Posts: 55


Thanks for the reply.
It's too bad, but when it's not possible, it's not possible.
So I'm going to put it all in one pack of stickers.
Have a nice day.

Ps: You can close the subject.

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