Hi there,
Please advise on how can I increase the maximum number of characters for the button title and description fields for Layout #2.
Currenlty they are set to 24 and 65 characters, respectively, but as you can see below they can be easily increased to 40 and 100 characters, respectively.
Best regards,
Hi Gabriel,
If you use non-Ajax pagination (simple page reload), you should open /advanced-content-pagination-pro/buttons_layouts/page_reload/button_layout_2_js.php file, find all these methods, and change second arguments:
For button titles:
$this->acp_button_text($title, 24)
For button description:
$this->acp_button_text($desc, 65)
If you use Ajax Pagination you should open and do the same for /advanced-content-pagination-pro/buttons_layouts/ajax_load/button_layout_2_js.php file
Thanks a lot for your advise, I will let you know how it worked
I did it and it works perfectly!