- directory: /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/users/fields/369/782809f/
- file: 467.jpg
- directory: /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/users/fields/369/3cf8071/
- file: maldive-islands-background_121001372_121.jpg
All these directory and files are not in the server
directory=uploads owner=silentworker permission=755
directory=wpforo owner=root permission=755
directory=users owner=root permission=755
directory=fields owner=root permission=755
I have 2 users on this website
1. root having root access
2. silentworker having root access
I noticed that [uploads] directory the owner is silentworker and [2021] directory is also owned by silentworker likewise the [03] and [04] subdirectory where I uploaded my image yesterday using the normal media upload that is working fine. What I did, I change the ownership
directory=wpforo owner=silentworker permission=755
directory=users owner=silentworker permission=755
directory=fields owner=silentworker permission=755
and register and uploaded the images, after checking all images are uploaded. This may caused by the ownership issue and it means previous member who registered are unable to upload the file again!
Why is it root having root access is unable to give write permission even the permission is set to 755?