Hi, all, my last post was marked solved but they didn't seem to understand my question/request. Changing the background color of the poles is easy with CSS (what they instructed me to do), but I want to choose the colors of the pole results AFTER they have votes.
Currently, every time I open the pole to see the results, there is a different ugly color representing the votes, none of which match my theme. It's never even the same color because the wpForo addon alternates the colors every time the page is opened or refreshed. This is such a great plugin with a lot of flexibility, but I can't imagine anyone would want their poles to have a color randomizer control what colors are used... none of which match the site's theme.
Can this please be updated to allow us to customize the pole RESLUTS' colors? At the very least, make it to where the pole result colors match the wpForo forum color we set in the fourms/categories setting.