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myCRED badges and rank names not showing under avatar

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OK so I have it the way I want it by utilising the default point type. So now it shows my rep points, hero points and the rep point rank icon.

However if you have the wpforo integration hook on for both point types set to display on forum it still doubles up. But no big deal I have only got one of the checked, it just means I can't NOT display a point type.

Also FYI there should be a space between the number and point name: "Points:0" should be "Points: 0"

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FYI, it does not look good on mobile.

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Hi wpforobailey,

OK so I have it the way I want it by utilising the default point type. So now it shows my rep points, hero points and the rep point rank icon.

you need to disable Forum Template checkboxes from two other points. 


FYI, it does not look good on mobile.

This can be a CSS conflict with your theme. We'll need some example URL to debug and provide some solution for you.

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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Guys,

I thought this was fixed but now it's not showing my default point type, just shows the other one. So I have mycred_default and mycred_hero. It was displaying both point types with just the checkboxes ticked on the hooks widget for mycred_default. Now it only displays for mycred_hero. If I check check boxes on both point types it just shows two lots of the mycred_hero points?

Any ideas? Was there a recent update at all which may have changed things?

Thanks in advance.

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Scratch last post, we discovered it's because we were using an admin exclusion on one of the point types.

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