Hi there,
I am looking for some answers about the functionality of myCRED in combination with WPForo with this add on. I tried contact myCRED but was told they have no ability to provide answers as it is a 3rd party plugin.
Hoping someone can answer a few questions for me:
1. How does this work with WPForo's built in reputaiton/point system? Does it override it, or integrate with it?
2. Is there a way to add points manually to a user? Not just by actions on the forum?
3. If I use this add on and also the myCRED Discuz add on - do the points all combine into one user account form both blogs & forum posts?
4. Can a specific amount of points be set for having an answer (in WP FORO Q/A forums) marked as the correct one?
Thank you kindly.