To be honest, I have not even tested the add-on with any other embeds, as YouTube is, by and far, the most important embedding functionality for us. We just made the switch from Asgaros Forum today, which had this functionality by default, so I am getting a little nervous that we may have made a huge mistake. I am hoping someone can assist. I have hidden our main forums (for, to prevent unnecessary confusion, as there is a LOT of content, and simply made a Testing category at .
1) I copied the links for the multiple YouTube videos, from my own personal (unrestricted) account, as well as general videos I searched.
2) I created a post for both the actual URL, as a post, and the shared URL, as a response to the initial post. These links were copied from the corresponding browsers of the topic they fall under.
1) I have tested the page in Chrome, Edge, FireFox, and Internet Explorer on my desktop, in and out of incognito windows. Note: In Internet Explorer and Chrome twice, randomly, it appeared the video tried to load but still failed.
2) I have tested the page in Safari on my cell phone, on my cellular data (i.e. not connected to my home router).
3) I uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin. Note: Prior to uninstalling the plugin, the video appeared to be there (blank but if I hovered it changed the mouse, though I couldn't click). After uninstalling and reinstalling, nothing happens when I hover over the area where the video should be.
4) I tried uninstalling and manually installing the plugin.
5) I tried troubleshooting compatibility issues with plugins by deactivating plugins on my account, one-by-one. I could not deactivate all of my plugins, as some of these would seriously affect my site but I tested the majority, including my security plugins. A list of my plugins is included belowm including whether they are active or not, at this time. All of my software is up-to-date and I am on PHP 7.3.
| name | status | update | version |
| asgaros-forum | inactive | none | 1.15.1 |
| blackhole-bad-bots | active | none | 2.6 |
| block-bad-queries | active | none | 20190902 |
| blog2social | active | none | 5.8.1 |
| countdown-timer-ultimate | active | none | 1.2.3 |
| duplicate-page | active | none | 4.0 |
| youtube-embed-plus | active | none | 13.1.2 |
| ewww-image-optimizer | active | none | 5.0.0 |
| featured-and-trending-post-pro | active | none | 1.5 |
| gamipress | inactive | none | 1.7.7 |
| gamipress-wpforo-integration | inactive | none | 1.0.4 |
| heartbeat-control | inactive | none | 1.2.5 |
| login-recaptcha | active | none | 1.6.4 |
| nextgen-gallery | active | none | 3.2.18 |
| open-external-links-in-a-new-window | active | none | 1.4 |
| social-polls-by-opinionstage | active | none | 19.6.29 |
| really-simple-ssl | active | none | 3.2.5 |
| visualizer | active | none | 3.3.1 |
| wha-crossword | active | none | 1.1.4 |
| wha-wordsearch | active | none | 1.1.6 |
| wp-cerber | active | none | 8.4 |
| wp-discord-post-plus | active | none | 1.0.2 |
| wpforms-lite | active | none | |
| wpforo | active | none | 1.6.5 |
| wpforo-embeds | active | none | 1.3.5 |
| wp-image-zoooom | active | none | 1.36 |
I am on a time constraint here and a severely stressed, as I spent about 12 hours researching plugins (deciding that this was one step above Asgaros Forum, even if a lot of the functionality was going to require purchasing add-ons), transferring stuff over, and getting set up today and now the main function of our forums is completely offline. Your assistance is appreciated or else I am going to have to quickly revert to Asgaros Forum. Thank God I backed up before the change.