Hi, I am using wpforo cross posting. And I notice the forum post include shortcode, is there a way to exclude shortcode?
Here is an example, I use a WP plugin called Blocks: [block id="49318" title="test"]
Hi, I am using wpforo cross posting. And I notice the forum post include shortcode, is there a way to exclude shortcode?
Here is an example, I use a WP plugin called Blocks: [block id="49318" title="test"]
If you don't want to cross-post the shortcode you should use the wpforo_strip_shortcodes hook:
add_filter( 'wpforo_strip_shortcodes', function( $text ){ return strip_shortcodes( $text ); } );
You should put the code in the active theme functions.php file.
wpForo also has teh option that allows you to Enable WordPress Shortcodes in Post Content. You can control it using the according option on the "Posting & Editor Settings" admin page.