I freshly installed wpforo together with the blog cross posting addon. In addition, we run wpdiscuz since quite a few weeks, great plugin! I have 2 questions:
- I installed 3 wp forums, for each setting up automatic synchronization. I then created or updated a new blog post. Synchronization worked only for one of the forums, however, the forums were set up exactly in the same way. In addition, comments seem to be synchronized sometimes, sometimes not. We reproduced these problems several times.
- In wpdiscuz, I set message status on private, which works perfect. BUT with cross posting, if there are comments synchronized, comments are public. Is it possible to keep comments private using cross posting?
By the way, I applied all the stuff of cache deleting, etc. in Dashboard, did not help (first problem). If I look at the support forum concerning blog cross posting, I am wondering, if this plugin really works as it should do, there are so many problems, and support answers are not very convincing. Do you have a kind of blog with the most frequent solution proposals for this addon (such as conflicts with other plugins, configuration, etc.).
Kind regards