Hello all,
I recently joined the family, one of my favorite features being the forum cross-posting.
My setup is intended to combine together wpForo as forum (obviously) with PeepSo as social network.
However, once I installed both, I’ve run into errors when posting. After some testing and selective plugin deactivation, I’ve found at least two related plugins involved into incompatibilities : one with the PeepSo BlogPosts (PSBP) official plugin and the other with the recent PeepSo-wpForo integration plugin (PSWFI) – this last one being developed by another company.
Concretely, with WpForo cross-posting plugin activated and admin rights on wp/forum/peepso:
- When I deactivate both PSBP and PSWFI, everything is going fine with cross-posting.
- If I activate only PSBP, I get a looong delay of posting (including “connection lost” in post editor) followed by a temporary slowed down website, sometimes “504 gateway time-out”. After a while I can see that in addition of the valid cross-posting topic there is another created one containing “shortcodes code” as shown in the image: https://ibb.co/f9y3LS
- If I activate only PSWFI, I get directly the “connection lost” message in post editor then the website is irremediably down with the message “500 Internal Server Error”. I need to delete the PSWFI plugin via FTP then copy it back again as deactivated, to get back online. Once back online, there is no cross-posted topic at all but several thousands (3-5000) of “garbage code” topics created in the forum: https://ibb.co/h5Uon7
Not understanding on which side could possibly be the reason of error, I ask for your advice. I’m running a clean WP install with Newspaper theme and wpForo+PeepSo together. I can send you the accesses if needed. My website is not publicly launched thus it is safe to do any invasive test.
Thank you in advance for any counsel !