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Three Problems

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New I'm using "wpForo Advanced Attachments" to upload photos. Generally this addon is good, however, I've found 3 problems -

1, After I upload multiple photos at once, the order of the photos appear in forum is reversed. For example, I've uploaded/inserted 3 photos at once, the original order is: a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, but when they were sent to the forum, they appear in this way: c.jpg, b.jpg, a.jpg.

2, Now when I clicked "attach file" button, the new small window appears. On the top of it, there are 4 buttons: "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel". Then the User need to click the "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post" 3 buttons to finish the attaching action. I just wonder if you can simplify these 3 buttons to 1 button?

3, Following last question,  there are "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel" 4 buttons in the small window, but it seems the "cancel" button sometimes doesn't work (maybe I don't know how to use it). For example, if I've clicked "Attach Files" and "Start Upload" buttons, uploaded 5 photos to the small window, then I inserted 3 photos to the forum, there are  2 photos left in the small window. Then I try to use "Cancel" button to delete them, but I cannot. 

Could you please kindly explain for me? 

Thank you!



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Hi peterwangbiz

1, After I upload multiple photos at once, the order of the photos appear in forum is reversed. For example, I've uploaded/inserted 3 photos at once, the original order is: a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, but when they were sent to the forum, they appear in this way: c.jpg, b.jpg, a.jpg.

Thank you, we'll add an option to control reversed order in future releases.


2, Now when I clicked "attach file" button, the new small window appears. On the top of it, there are 4 buttons: "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel". Then the User need to click the "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post" 3 buttons to finish the attaching action. I just wonder if you can simplify these 3 buttons to 1 button?

The feature you're asking for requires full re-development of this addon. Multi-button uploading is the main core structure. I'm really sorry but we can't do this change.


3, Following last question, there are "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel" 4 buttons in the small window, but it seems the "cancel" button sometimes doesn't work (maybe I don't know how to use it). For example, if I've clicked "Attach Files" and "Start Upload" buttons, uploaded 5 photos to the small window, then I inserted 3 photos to the forum, there are 2 photos left in the small window. Then I try to use "Cancel" button to delete them, but I cannot.

The cancel button is only designed to stop the uploading process, it doesn't have any relation to attachment inserting into post action. If you don't want to insert into post any file, you should uncheck the checkboxes of each file located on the ride side.

If you want to delete any file you should check those and click on the top [Delete] button (or use individual delete buttons). 

wpForo Advanced Attachments Addon Do not insert uploaded file into post


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