New I'm using "wpForo Advanced Attachments" to upload photos. Generally this addon is good, however, I've found 3 problems -
1, After I upload multiple photos at once, the order of the photos appear in forum is reversed. For example, I've uploaded/inserted 3 photos at once, the original order is: a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, but when they were sent to the forum, they appear in this way: c.jpg, b.jpg, a.jpg.
2, Now when I clicked "attach file" button, the new small window appears. On the top of it, there are 4 buttons: "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel". Then the User need to click the "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post" 3 buttons to finish the attaching action. I just wonder if you can simplify these 3 buttons to 1 button?
3, Following last question, there are "Attach Files", "Start Upload", "Insert Into Post", "Cancel" 4 buttons in the small window, but it seems the "cancel" button sometimes doesn't work (maybe I don't know how to use it). For example, if I've clicked "Attach Files" and "Start Upload" buttons, uploaded 5 photos to the small window, then I inserted 3 photos to the forum, there are 2 photos left in the small window. Then I try to use "Cancel" button to delete them, but I cannot.
Could you please kindly explain for me?
Thank you!