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Suggestion: do not embed uploaded medias in text area after upload

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I think there should be a simple admin option not to embed media in textarea after upload.
Often times, the embed doesn't happen where intended, or when trying to reorganize embeds, they are easily accidentally removed. It's hard for the user to get them back and the overall experience can be confusing.

When this new option would be activated, the thumbnails would be visible on bottom outside of textarea  instead of in the textarea as it is now. User could still delete unwanted uploads from there.

Upon posting, the medias would be cleanly appended automatically to bottom of post.

I think this would provide a cleaner experience. This would be an option; the regular way could still work as is.


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I've just asked our developers about it and currently, I'm waiting for the response from them.
I'll update the topic asap.

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Hi @benj,

Here everything is simple. 

Please see the differences between the "My Media" and "Attach Files" buttons. 

1. When you click on the  "Attach Files" button, it opens a dialog window and once you choose the image it automatically adds image inside the post.

2. If you click on the "My Media" button, you'll see all the images uploaded by you and the "Add files..." button. In this case, if you click on the "Add files..." button the dialog window will be opened and you'll be able to choose the file, however, the files will not be inserted into the post until you'll not click on the "Insert into post" button. See the screenshot below.


So in your case, you'll just need to write the post content, the upload and insert the images via the "My Media" button.

Please check the difference between the "My Media" and  "Attach Filesbuttons yourself. 

If you want we can provide you a CSS code that'll allow you to hide the "Attach Files" button. In this case, only the selected will be inserted into a post. 


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Posts: 43

@astghik Hello,

yes, all what you say is correct. It's easy to add file into the system and into the textarea. This is not what my post was about.

My post was about NEVER allowing user to insert media into textarea, while still allowing him to attach media to post, and have those media displayed in standardized way at bottom of post when viewing it.

The reason I say this, is that when user upload lots of images, let's say 20, and they all appear in the textarea, it's difficult to organize those images inside the textarea. Often we must move up or down, do a carriage return and accidentally delete images from textarea....

On mobile it get particularly messy to manage content of textarea when lots of images are in there.

With this option, there would be no "Insert into post" button, no media in textarea while editing, but the images would still be attached to post and displayed with it in a standardized way at the bottom when viewing the post.

If it's not clear please tell. 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 6283


I'm really sorry, but the addon doesn't have such a feature. I may only suggest you hide the Attach files button via CSS code, so the users will be able to use the My Media button. 

The CSS code is provided below: 

i.fas.fa-paperclip.wpfa-form-ico, label.wpfa-browse, span.wpf_dd_info {
display: none !important;

If you decide to use it, just add the code in the "Custom CSS code" textarea, located in the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style Tab. 

Please don't forget to delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 (twice) on the frontend before checking to reload the updated CSS file. 

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