Hi jansen613,
Please read this doc if it doesn't help please let us know.
Hi jansen613,
Please read this doc if it doesn't help please let us know.
Hi @marshforums,
We've just tested your website and the wpForo Advanced Attachments add-on is working fine.
Please explain using some screenshots the problem you've on your website.
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page check the "GD and Image Functions" is available or not?
Hmmm, Im getting this error too.
Prior to adding the Advanced Attachments I could upload, but now I cannot upload.
I get the same error.
If i disable the plugin I can upload images fine.
When i activate the plugin the image shows on the post but i can no longer upload without getting the error.
Hi @redbarnfarm,
Have you checked the "GD and Image Functions" fields value? Is it available or not?