Hello, I have purchased the online user addons and it works great, except for a few things I've noticed:
1. non-logged users are getting notifications and can read messages from logged users. I was wondering if there is a way to only have it show for logged users. We are an online photo school and the idea is for notifications of discussions be shown to actual registered members not public in general.
2. Said "new comments" keep showing up repeatedly. Even messages that are a few weeks old keep popping up as new. It becomes annoying after a while because they keep repeating and you can tell they are no longer new comments. Said comments are marked as read and replied to, by the way.
3. Is there a way to limit certain pages where don´t notifications pop-up? It's kinda related to point number one. I would like to keep the user-online and new comments notifications pop-up on our member-only areas such as paid courses and lessons. Ideally, not show on woocommerce pages and home page for example, where it becomes distracting.