Live update uses PO...
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[Solved] Live update uses POST requests, cannot be cached

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We had a server stability problem when we had peak usage of about 30-40 requests/second. The server CPU went to 100% (this is an AWS container that is very powerful and optimized by the host). We noticed that the wpdiscuz-ajax script was using all of the CPU. We had between 1500 and 2500 active users at the time but not many comments. We had to pull down the entire comment system for several hours.

Afterward, our analysis pointed to the wpDdiscuz-ajax using POST commands to retrieve live updates for the comments. We have since turn off live updates, along with a number of other features so that we do not get the instability at peak server load that we do now. If you were to use GET instead of POST, we could cache the request and speed up the process by 20x - 30x.

We would like to keep using wpDiscuz, but it has been the root cause of much of our server instability over the past several months. Your plugins make large numbers of AJAX calls and that process needs to be better optimized for high volume servers. So now we have live updates set to off, and we are using WP ajax until we know that your ajax and live update functions are fixed.

Thoughts or ideas? I can send login credentials on request.

Thank You,
Kim Christiansen

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1403

Hi @pixual,

 If you were to use GET instead of POST, we could cache the request and speed up the process by 20x - 30x.

We've just added this to our to-do list. This will be implemented in near future releases.

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Thanks Elvina, I hope it's soon! Performance at scale really seems to suffer.

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