When clicking on the up vote thumb it can take 3 to 6 seconds for the up vote to finish. If I clear all cache on the site, they then register immediately. Why would it be a caching issue, am I missing a setting somewhere? We are having to clear the cache on our site multiple times per day. Thanks.
Please try to exclude the whole "assets" folder from the cache plugin settings. The folder path is /wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz-advanced-likers/assets/*
I excluded the folder yesterday, and check today and the problem still exists. It seems that the longer I stay on a page the time to register a vote increases. If I purge the page cache, it will speed up again. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
Thanks Astghik, unfortunately neither solution has worked. For further information I am using Themify Ultra caching, I use the Chrome browser and the condition begins over time if you have the same post up. Refreshing the page does not clear the problem, only purging all cache will clear the problem.