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UPM - own template?

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I found the UPM plugin and I really like it. I would like to use it to export single posts and paste them into a vBulleting board. To safe time and effort I would like to modify the output of "Export to text". Is there a way to add an own template? If I just modify the universal-post-manager/template/save_as_text.php my changes might be overwritten by an update of your plugin, right?

Thanks and cheers,


Famed Member Admin
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Hi yawns,

Thank you for using UPM.

Yes you're right, it you can customize export as txt using template/save_as_text.php file. However it'll be reset on future update process. I'd recommend keep this file in a safe place and overwrite after each UPM update. We have not stable template logic in UPM yet, however we'll keep this feature in our mind to add in future as soon as possible.

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Hi Tom,

thank you for your fast answer. I'll copy the save_as_text.php to keep my changes.

Thanks and cheers,


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