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[Solved] myCred Ranks->only sometimes display under user avathar

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I have problem with myCRED Integration. Ranks dont always display under user avathar. Sometimes display/sometimes not. Problem is with specific users.

And second problem. Now i am not using your integration code. If i add your code to function.php then ranks duplicate under user avatar! (and still dont display under specific users).

The post with comments:

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Joined: 10 years ago

Hi Filip,

I have problem with myCRED Integration. Ranks dont always display under user avathar. Sometimes display/sometimes not. Problem is with specific users.

Thank you for using our plugins. I can say without any doubt that this issue is a local PC/Inet/Cache issue. We've tested your website on different browsers with many time of reloading. You should test it on other PC with other Inet/IP provider. Something is hard cached or wrong with your browser/pc image caching.

Test video:


  • Make sure you've deleted all caches.
  • Please don't use such a big image (808 x 283px) to load in 80x30px image area. Edit and resize it to at least 100px width.
  • Check it on different PC and Inet Providers.
  • Your theme (or some plugin), has a "load image on request" (like lazy load) feature which may case some temporally loading issue on fast scrolling or slow caching cases.

In other words the wpDiscuz myCRED Integration addon doesn't have any issue on your website.

And second problem. Now i am not using your integration code. If i add your code to function.php then ranks duplicate under user avatar! (and still dont display under specific users).

Please remove that code, it's already added in this addon, you should not use both together.


Posts: 2
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Joined: 9 years ago

Thx for information!


Btw, i want to show rank title on mouseover. It should work with title tag inside image. But i cant find solution for it.

I found file: wpdiscuz-mc.php

And code:

public function showRanks($afterLabelHtml, $comment) {
if ($comment->user_id) {
if (function_exists('mycred_get_users_rank')) { //User Rank
$afterLabelHtml .= mycred_get_users_rank($comment->user_id, 'logo', 'post-thumbnail', array('class' => 'mycred-rank','title' => ''.get_the_title($badge_id).''));
return '<div class="wpdiscuz-mycred-rank-wrap">' . $afterLabelHtml . '</div>';

I added this fragment with bold, but it show only post title, not image title (i added titles, caption etc to images by media library in Wordpress). Any idea?

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