The link to upload media (paperclip icon) does not appear when editing.
Any media already uploaded is broken after saving an edit.
Hi WebTrooper,
Could you please leave an example URL to allow us to check the issue?
I'm sorry, I was mistaken. Saving an edit does not break the attachment. The only issue is that attachments can't be edited (removed or added) when editing the post.
Sorry, I don't have a link to test it.
It's allowed only to delete the image, but not change it.
Unless I'm missing something, there is no way to add or remove attachments when editing, or do anything at all with attachment. The reply dialog does not show the attachment(s) or any tools to manage attachments.
First screenshot I posted a comment with an attachment.
Second screenshot is editing that comment.
On a related note, I don't understand why it's designed to not allow adding or removing attachments. It's not uncommon for someone to upload the wrong file or forget one file. Of course, they could just post a new comment or reply, but it seems they should be able to add or remove attachments when editing.
Ah, okay. I didn't think to hover on the thumbnail when not in edit mode. Sorry to be so picky about this but I have one particular website where it's important that non technical people be able to easily attach files in comments, and WPDiscuz with this plugin is by far the best solution so far. I look forward to adding and deleting while editing. Thanks! 🙂