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wpDiscuz destroys all HTML styling

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Actually love you plugin but your plugin doesn't image HTML code fine. Please compare backend screenshots how it should be and how your plugin interprets. It looks terrible. I wanted to buy a lot of your addons but now can't do this. I deactivated the plugin because I want a visible comment line see

What is your solution?

26 09  2017 19 33 26
26 09  2017 19 35 51

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I don't see any issue on screenshot, please let me know what is the problem.

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You can't see the formatting of boxes, paragraphs, colors and links in backend mode and can't see that wpDiscuz writes everything in one line without any styles?

The link above is the result after deactivating your plugin because your plugin doesn't take the formatting of the WP comment field. How to get the same result of link above into your plugin?

That's what I wanted.


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All issues come from a plugin which adds some extra data in wpDiscuz comment content. I think you have some extra plugin for comments, e.g. i see Amazon buttons... Please disable all plugins which may affect comment system and then delete all cache and test it again. I see all problems come outside of wpDiscuz, these are not wpDiscuz issues, these are just impact of other plugins.

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Yes sure! But I want to know if your plugin can show these imported comments from Amazon or not?

This is a code for example:

3 von 4 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich 5.0 von 5 Sternen Bewegtes Lernen, 29. Oktober 2014 Von Torsten Ottens - Harck - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen Verifizierter Kauf(Was ist das?) Rezension bezieht sich auf: Bewegtes Lernen! Englisch 1.-4. Klasse: Inhalte in und durch Bewegung nachhaltig verankern 1.-4. Klasse (Bewegtes Lernen! Grundschule) (Broschiert) ein sehr gutes Material für den Englischunterricht der 2.-4. Klasse. Viele Ideen und Anregungen, auch noch für die 5. Klassenstufe zu verwenden, ist weiter zu empfehlen Helfen Sie anderen Kunden bei der Suche nach den hilfreichsten Rezensionen  War diese Rezension für Sie hilfreich? Ja Nein Missbrauch melden | Kommentar als LinkKommentar Kommentar

As you can see Wordpress does it right, see


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How you add Amazon content in comments. Is this a plugin / shorcode?

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