Whether installing as new Plugin or download/upload to plugins, the following wording appears when WPDiscuz is activated:
"LUGIN_PATH' ) or define( 'WTWP__INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH', 'welcome-to-wordpress/welcome-to-wordpress.php' ); function install_wtwp() { global $pagenow; if ( !( 'install.php' == $pagenow && isset( $_REQUEST['step'] ) && 2 == $_REQUEST['step'] ) ) { return; } $active_plugins = (array) get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); // Shouldn't happen, but avoid duplicate entries just in case. if ( !empty( $active_plugins ) && false !== array_search( WTWP__INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH, $active_plugins ) ) { return; } $options = array( 'first_login' => false, 'plid' => 1, 'isc' => 'WPHosting1', 'api_url' => 'https://wpqs.secureserver.net/v1/', 'help_url' => 'https://help.securepaynet.net', 'control_panel_url' => 'https://hostingmanager.secureserver.net/Login.aspx', 'key' => 'YrUvS+MAMRYgrA7yPz2PsPcNFu3HiwhcjQ51mnlzRP674FfFGcqlep70uMTmwfwW' ); $active_plugins[] = WTWP__INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH; update_option( 'active_plugins', $active_plugins ); update_option( 'wtwp_options', $options ); } add_action( 'shutdown', 'install_wtwp' ); "
Any fixes?
Hi fredd,
This problem doesn't come from wpDiscuz for sure. You have some security plugin or some hosting service program which does something during the activation. please deactivate wpDiscuz, delete it, then deactivate all other plugins and install wpDiscuz again. The error text contains non-wpDiscuz phrases and URLs, wpDiscuz doesn't have such code.