Hi, I have a problem since i decided to update the plugin. and my theme for information)
On all pages where a wpdiscuz comments form is activated, the admin bar disappear, and en error appears under the comment form.
Any idea ?
Of course if i disable the comment form on the page, everything works fine again.
Anyone having the same problem ?
HiΒ Archilio,
We couldn'tΒ access your website.Β Please check and let us know how we can check the issue on your website.Β
I understand a bit of the problem, which appears only when a comment is post.
Before :
After :
You can see it here :
Login :Β wpdiscuz
pass :Β wpdiscuz
HiΒ Archilio,
Please let us know have you done any wpDiscuz file customization? If so please rename the class.WpdiscuzWalker.phpΒ file in /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/wpdiscuz/ folder and check again.
Absolutely not, no customization. I tried to rename it and it works !Β
What does this php file exactly ? Should i Delete it if useless ? Everything seems fine ...
I'm sorry, but I cannot guess how this file was created, it always creates as a result of the customization. The file cannot be created otherwise.Β
Should i Delete it if useless ?
Yes, sure you can delete the file if don't need it.Β
Doc for wpDiscuz customization here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-documentation/customization/custom-template-and-style/
Ok thanks it is a bit strange cause this is a big file as you can see in the next comment.
Howeover everything works fine again so thanks for the support !
You got a new add-on buyer π
class WpdiscuzWalker extends Walker_Comment implements WpDiscuzConstants {
public $tree_type = 'comment';
public $db_fields = array('parent' => 'comment_parent', 'id' => 'comment_ID');
private $helper;
private $optimizationHelper;
private $dbManager;
private $optionsSerialized;
private $users;
public function __construct($helper, $optimizationHelper, $dbManager, $optionsSerialized) {
$this->helper = $helper;
$this->optimizationHelper = $optimizationHelper;
$this->dbManager = $dbManager;
$this->optionsSerialized = $optionsSerialized;
$this->users = array();
/** START_EL */
public function start_el(&$output, $comment, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0) {
$GLOBALS['comment_depth'] = $depth;
$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
$currentUser = $args['current_user'];
$depth = isset($args['addComment']) ? $args['addComment'] : $depth;
$uniqueId = $comment->comment_ID . '_' . $comment->comment_parent;
$commentContent = $comment->comment_content;
$commentWrapperClass = array();
$isSticky = $comment->comment_type == self::WPDISCUZ_STICKY_COMMENT;
$isClosed = $comment->comment_karma;
if ($isSticky) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wc-sticky-comment';
if ($isClosed) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wc-closed-comment';
$commentContent = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_before_comment_text', $commentContent, $comment);
if ($this->optionsSerialized->enableImageConversion) {
$commentContent = $this->helper->makeClickable($commentContent);
$commentContent = apply_filters('comment_text', $commentContent, $comment, $args);
$commentReadMoreLimit = $this->optionsSerialized->commentReadMoreLimit;
if (strstr($commentContent, '[/spoiler]')) {
$commentReadMoreLimit = 0;
$commentContent = $this->helper->spoiler($commentContent);
if ($commentReadMoreLimit && count(explode(' ', strip_tags($commentContent))) > $commentReadMoreLimit) {
$commentContent = $this->helper->getCommentExcerpt($commentContent, $uniqueId);
$commentContent .= $comment->comment_approved == 0 ? '<p class="wc_held_for_moderate">' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_held_for_moderate'] . '</p>' : '';
$hideAvatarStyle = '';
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->wordpressShowAvatars) {
if (is_rtl()) {
$hideAvatarStyle = 'style = "margin-right : 0;"';
} else {
$hideAvatarStyle = 'style = "margin-left : 0;"';
if ($this->optionsSerialized->wordpressIsPaginate && $comment->comment_parent) {
$rootComment = $this->optimizationHelper->getCommentRoot($comment->comment_parent);
if (isset($args['new_loaded_class'])) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = $args['new_loaded_class'];
if ($args['isSingle']) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wpdiscuz_single';
} else {
$depth = $this->optimizationHelper->getCommentDepth($comment->comment_ID);
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->wordpressIsPaginate && isset($args[self::COOKIE_LAST_VISIT])) {
$blogId = WpdiscuzCore::$CURRENT_BLOG_ID;
$lastVisit = json_decode(stripslashes($args[self::COOKIE_LAST_VISIT]), true);
$lastVisitForPost = isset($lastVisit[$blogId][$comment->comment_post_ID]) ? $lastVisit[$blogId][$comment->comment_post_ID] : 0;
if (isset($args['comment_author_email'])) {
$storedCookieEmail = $args['comment_author_email'];
} else {
$storedCookieEmail = isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH]) ? $_COOKIE['comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH] : '';
$commentTime = strtotime($comment->comment_date);
if ($lastVisitForPost && $commentTime > $lastVisitForPost && $storedCookieEmail != $comment->comment_author_email) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wc-new-loaded-comment';
$commentAuthorUrl = ('http://' == $comment->comment_author_url) ? '' : $comment->comment_author_url;
$commentAuthorUrl = esc_url($commentAuthorUrl, array('http', 'https'));
$commentAuthorUrl = apply_filters('get_comment_author_url', $commentAuthorUrl, $comment->comment_ID, $comment);
$userKey = $comment->user_id . '_' . $comment->comment_author_email;
if (isset($this->users[$userKey])) {
$user = $this->users[$userKey];
} else {
if ($this->optionsSerialized->isUserByEmail) {
$user = get_user_by('email', $comment->comment_author_email);
} else {
$user = $comment->user_id ? get_user_by('id', $comment->user_id) : '';
$this->users[$userKey] = $user;
if ($user) {
$authorName = $user->display_name ? $user->display_name : $comment->comment_author;
$authorAvatarField = $user->ID;
$gravatarUserId = $user->ID;
$gravatarUserEmail = $user->user_email;
$profileUrl = in_array($user->ID, $args['posts_authors']) ? get_author_posts_url($user->ID) : '';
$commentAuthorUrl = $commentAuthorUrl ? $commentAuthorUrl : $user->user_url;
if ($user->ID == $args['post_author']) {
$authorClass = 'wc-blog-user wc-blog-post_author';
$author_title = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_blog_role_post_author'];
} else {
$authorClass = 'wc-blog-guest';
$author_title = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_blog_role_guest'];
$blogRoles = $this->optionsSerialized->blogRoles;
if ($blogRoles) {
if ($user->roles && is_array($user->roles)) {
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
if (array_key_exists($role, $blogRoles)) {
$authorClass = 'wc-blog-user wc-blog-' . $role;
$rolePhrase = isset($this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_blog_role_' . $role]) ? $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_blog_role_' . $role] : '';
$author_title = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_user_label', $rolePhrase, $user);
} else {
$authorName = $comment->comment_author ? $comment->comment_author : $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_anonymous'];
$authorAvatarField = $comment->comment_author_email;
$gravatarUserId = 0;
$gravatarUserEmail = $comment->comment_author_email;
$profileUrl = '';
$authorClass = 'wc-blog-guest';
$author_title = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_blog_role_guest'];
$postedDate = '';
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->hideCommentDate) {
if ($this->optionsSerialized->simpleCommentDate) {
$dateFormat = $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressDateFormat;
$timeFormat = $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressTimeFormat;
$postedDate = get_comment_date($dateFormat . ' ' . $timeFormat, $comment->comment_ID);
} else {
$postedDate = $this->helper->dateDiff($comment->comment_date_gmt);
$replyText = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_reply_text'];
$shareText = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_share_text'];
if (isset($rootComment) && $rootComment->comment_approved != 1) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wc-comment';
} else {
$commentWrapperClass[] = ($comment->comment_parent && $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressThreadComments) ? 'wc-comment wc-reply' : 'wc-comment';
$authorName = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_author', $authorName, $comment);
$profileUrl = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_profile_url', $profileUrl, $user);
$authorAvatarField = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_author_avatar_field', $authorAvatarField, $comment, $user, $profileUrl);
$gravatarSize = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_gravatar_size', 64);
$gravatarArgs = array(
'wpdiscuz_gravatar_field' => $authorAvatarField,
'wpdiscuz_gravatar_size' => $gravatarSize,
'wpdiscuz_gravatar_user_id' => $gravatarUserId,
'wpdiscuz_gravatar_user_email' => $gravatarUserEmail,
$authorAvatar = $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressShowAvatars ? get_avatar($authorAvatarField, $gravatarSize, '', $authorName, $gravatarArgs) : '';
$trackOrPingback = $comment->comment_type == 'pingback' || $comment->comment_type == 'trackback' ? true : false;
if ($trackOrPingback) {
$authorAvatar = '<img class="avatar avatar-' . $gravatarSize . ' photo" width="' . $gravatarSize . '" height="' . $gravatarSize . '" src="' . $args['avatar_trackback'] . '" alt="trackback">';
/*if ($profileUrl && !$this->optionsSerialized->disableProfileURLs) {
$commentAuthorAvatar = "<a href='$profileUrl' target='_blank'>$authorAvatar</a>";
} else {
$commentAuthorAvatar = $authorAvatar;
$commentAuthorAvatar = wp_get_attachment_image( get_the_author_meta( 'profile_image_id' ), 'agent-image' );
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->disableProfileURLs) {
if ($commentAuthorUrl) {
$authorName = "<a rel='nofollow' href='$commentAuthorUrl' target='_blank'>$authorName</a>";
} else if ($profileUrl) {
$authorName = "<a rel='nofollow' href='$profileUrl' target='_blank'>$authorName</a>";
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->isGuestCanVote && !$currentUser->ID) {
$voteClass = '';
$voteTitleText = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_login_to_vote'];
$voteUp = $voteTitleText;
$voteDown = $voteTitleText;
} else {
$voteClass = ' wc_vote wc_not_clicked';
$voteUp = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_vote_up'];
$voteDown = $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_vote_down'];
$hasChildren = isset($args['wpdiscuz_root_comment_' . $comment->comment_ID]) ? $args['wpdiscuz_root_comment_' . $comment->comment_ID] : '';
if ($hasChildren) {
$commentWrapperClass[] = $hasChildren;
$commentWrapperClass[] = $authorClass;
$commentWrapperClass[] = 'wc_comment_level-' . $depth;
$commentWrapperClass = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_wrap_classes', $commentWrapperClass, $comment);
$wrapperClass = implode(' ', $commentWrapperClass);
$commentContentClass = '';
// begin printing comment template
$output .= '<div id="wc-comm-' . $uniqueId . '" class="' . $wrapperClass . '">';
if ($this->optionsSerialized->wordpressShowAvatars) {
$commentLeftClass = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_left_class', '');
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-left ' . $commentLeftClass . '"><div class="wpd-xborder"></div>' . $commentAuthorAvatar;
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->authorTitlesShowHide && !$trackOrPingback) {
$author_title = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_author_title', $author_title, $comment);
$output .= '<div class="' . $authorClass . ' wc-comment-label">' . '<span>' . $author_title . '</span>' . '</div>';
$afterLabelHtml = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_after_label', $afterLabelHtml = '', $comment);
$output .= $afterLabelHtml;
$output .= '</div>';
$commentLink = get_comment_link($comment);
$output .= '<div id="comment-' . $comment->comment_ID . '" class="wc-comment-right ' . $commentContentClass . '" ' . $hideAvatarStyle . '>';
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-header">';
$uNameClasses = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_username_classes', '');
$afterCommentAuthorName = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_after_comment_author', '', $comment, $user);
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-author ' . $uNameClasses . '">' . $authorName . $afterCommentAuthorName . '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-link">';
if ($isSticky) {
$output .= '<i class="fas fa-thumbtack wpd-sticky" aria-hidden="true" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_sticky_comment_icon_title'] . '"></i>';
if ($isClosed) {
$output .= '<i class="fas fa-lock wpd-closed" aria-hidden="true" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_closed_comment_icon_title'] . '"></i>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_type_icon', '', $comment, $user, $currentUser);
if ($this->optionsSerialized->isEnabledShare()) {
$output .= '<div class="wc-share-link wpf-cta wpd-tooltip-right"><i class="fas fa-share-alt" aria-hidden="true" title="' . $shareText . '" ></i>';
$commentLinkLength = strlen($commentLink);
if ($commentLinkLength < 110) {
$twitt_content = mb_substr(esc_attr(strip_tags($commentContent)), 0, 135 - $commentLinkLength) . '... ';
} else {
$twitt_content = '';
$postLink = get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID);
$twitt_content = urlencode($twitt_content);
$twCommentLink = urlencode($commentLink);
$output .= '<wpdtip>';
$output .= ( $this->optionsSerialized->enableFbShare && $this->optionsSerialized->fbAppID) ? '<span class="wc_fb"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_share_facebook'] . '"></i></span>' : '';
$output .= $this->optionsSerialized->enableTwitterShare ? '<a class="wc_tw" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' . $twitt_content . '&url=' . $twCommentLink . '" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_share_twitter'] . '"><i class="fab fa-twitter wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>' : '';
$output .= $this->optionsSerialized->enableGoogleShare ? '<a class="wc_go" target="_blank" href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=' . $postLink . '" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_share_google'] . '"><i class="fab fa-google wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>' : '';
$output .= $this->optionsSerialized->enableVkShare ? '<a class="wc_vk" target="_blank" href="http://vk.com/share.php?url=' . $postLink . '" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_share_vk'] . '"><i class="fab fa-vk wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>' : '';
$output .= $this->optionsSerialized->enableOkShare ? '<a class="wc_ok" target="_blank" href="http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/dk?st.cmd=addShare&st.s=1&st._surl=' . $postLink . '" title=""><i class="fab fa-odnoklassniki wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>' : '';
$output .= '</wpdtip></div>';
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_before_comment_link', $output, $comment, $user, $currentUser);
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->showHideCommentLink) {
$commentLinkImg = '<span class="wc-comment-img-link-wrap"><i class="fas fa-link wc-comment-img-link wpf-cta" aria-hidden="true"/></i><span><input type="text" class="wc-comment-link-input" value="' . $commentLink . '" /></span></span>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_link_img', $commentLinkImg, $comment);
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_after_comment_link', $output, $comment, $user, $currentUser);
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="wpdiscuz_clear"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_text', '<div class="wc-comment-text">' . $commentContent . '</div>', $comment, $args);
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_after_comment_text', $output, $comment);
if (isset($args['comment_status']) && is_array($args['comment_status']) && in_array($comment->comment_approved, $args['comment_status'])) {
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-footer">';
$output .= '<div class="wc-footer-left">';
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->votingButtonsShowHide) {
if ($this->optionsSerialized->votingButtonsStyle) {
$votesArr = $this->dbManager->getVotes($comment->comment_ID);
if ($votesArr && count($votesArr) == 1) {
$like = 0;
$dislike = 0;
} else {
$like = isset($votesArr[0]) ? intval($votesArr[0]) : 0;
$dislike = isset($votesArr[1]) ? intval($votesArr[1]) : 0;
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-link wc-up wc-separate ' . $voteClass . '">';
$voteFaUpImg = '<i class="fas ' . $args['voting_icons']['like'] . ' wc-vote-img-up"></i><span>' . $voteUp . '</span>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_vote_up_icon', $voteFaUpImg, $comment, $currentUser);
$output .= '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-result wc-vote-result-like' . (($like) ? ' wc-positive' : '') . '">' . $like . '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-result wc-vote-result-dislike' . (($dislike) ? ' wc-negative' : '') . '">' . $dislike . '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-link wc-down wc-separate' . $voteClass . '">';
$voteFaDownImg = '<i class="fas ' . $args['voting_icons']['dislike'] . ' wc-vote-img-down"></i><span>' . $voteDown . '</span>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_vote_down_icon', $voteFaDownImg, $comment, $currentUser);
$output .= '</span>';
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_voters', $output, $uniqueId, $comment, $user, $currentUser);
} else {
$voteCount = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, WpdiscuzCore::META_KEY_VOTES, true);
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_voters', $output, $uniqueId, $comment, $user, $currentUser);
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-link wc-up ' . $voteClass . '">';
$voteFaUpImg = '<i class="fas ' . $args['voting_icons']['like'] . ' wc-vote-img-up"></i><span>' . $voteUp . '</span>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_vote_up_icon', $voteFaUpImg, $comment, $currentUser);
$output .= '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-result">' . intval($voteCount) . '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc-vote-link wc-down ' . $voteClass . '">';
$voteFaDownImg = '<i class="fas ' . $args['voting_icons']['dislike'] . ' wc-vote-img-down"></i><span>' . $voteDown . '</span>';
$output .= apply_filters('wpdiscuz_vote_down_icon', $voteFaDownImg, $comment, $currentUser);
$output .= '</span> ';
if (!$isClosed && isset($args['comments_open']) && $args['comments_open'] &&
$this->optionsSerialized->wordpressThreadComments &&
((isset($args['can_user_comment']) && $args['can_user_comment']) ||
(isset($args['high_level_user']) && $args['high_level_user']))
) {
$output .= '<span class="wc-reply-button wc-cta-button" title="' . $replyText . '">' . '<i class="fas fa-reply" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . $replyText . '</span>';
if (!$isClosed && ((isset($args['high_level_user']) && $args['high_level_user']) || ($this->helper->isCommentEditable($comment) && $this->helper->canUserEditComment($comment, $currentUser, $args)) )) {
$output .= '<span class="wc_editable_comment wc-cta-button"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_edit_text'] . '</span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc_cancel_edit wc-cta-button-x"><i class="fas fa-ban" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_comment_edit_cancel_button'] . '</span>';
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_buttons', $output, $comment, $user, $currentUser);
if (!$comment->comment_parent &&
((isset($args['high_level_user']) && $args['high_level_user']) ||
(isset($args['can_stick_or_close']) && $args['can_stick_or_close']))) {
$stickText = $isSticky ? $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_unstick_comment'] : $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_stick_comment'];
$closeText = $isClosed ? $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_open_comment'] : $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_close_comment'];
$output .= '<span class="wc_stick_btn wc-cta-button"><i class="fas fa-thumbtack"></i><span class="wc_stick_text">' . $stickText . '</span></span>';
$output .= '<span class="wc_close_btn wc-cta-button"><i class="far fa-comments"></i><span class="wc_close_text">' . $closeText . '</span></span>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="wc-footer-right">';
if (!$this->optionsSerialized->hideCommentDate) {
$output .= '<div class="wc-comment-date"><i class="far fa-clock" aria-hidden="true"></i>' . $postedDate . '</div>';
if ($depth < $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressThreadCommentsDepth && $this->optionsSerialized->wordpressThreadComments) {
$chevron = '';
$output .= '<div class="wc-toggle">';
if ($hasChildren) {
$countChildren = isset($args['wpdiscuz_child_count_' . $comment->comment_ID]) ? $args['wpdiscuz_child_count_' . $comment->comment_ID] : 0;
$hideChildCountClass = isset($args['wpdiscuz_hide_child_count_' . $comment->comment_ID]) ? $args['wpdiscuz_hide_child_count_' . $comment->comment_ID] : '';
if ($countChildren) {
$chevron = '<a href="#" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_show_replies_text'] . '">';
$chevron .= '<span class="wcsep">|</span> <span class="wpdiscuz-children ' . $hideChildCountClass . '"><span class="wpdiscuz-children-button-text">' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_show_replies_text'] . '</span> (<span class="wpdiscuz-children-count">' . $countChildren . '</span>)</span> ';
$chevron .= '<i class="fas fa-chevron-down wpdiscuz-show-replies"></i>';
$chevron .= '</a>';
} else {
$chevron = '<i class="fas fa-chevron-up" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_hide_replies_text'] . '"></i>';
} else {
$commentChildren = $comment->get_children();
$chevron = $commentChildren ? '<i class="fas fa-chevron-up" title="' . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_hide_replies_text'] . '"></i>' : '';
$output .= $chevron;
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="wpdiscuz_clear"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="wpdiscuz-comment-message"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="wpdiscuz_form_anchor-' . $uniqueId . '" style="clear:both"></div>';
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_comment_end', $output, $comment, $depth, $args);
public function end_el(&$output, $comment, $depth = 0, $args = array()) {
$output = apply_filters('wpdiscuz_thread_end', $output, $comment, $depth, $args);
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;