wpDiscuz doesn't collect any date, all information is saving in WordPress tables, as it happens in WordPress registration.
It is possible to turn off this "Allow to create an account" information?
Hi jaryszek,
As I've already mentioned wpDiscuz doesn't get any information, it just uses WordPress hooks for this purpose.
It is possible to turn off this "Allow to create an account" information?
I'm sorry, but there is no way to turn it off, you can change the text from Dashboard > Comment > Phrases > Social Login admin page.
Thank you,
Hmm so you mean that this wordpress hooks are collecting data?
So in simple words, i am collecting data as Administrator via wordpress hooks?
Hi Jacek ,
I'm not familiar with how the Wordpress collects the data. wpDiscuz just uses WordPress core (native) functions to this purpose. To make sure just check your database tables.
hi Astghik,
So when user wants to login via facebook his data is added to wordpress database? in which tables?
But there is clear in next step that wpDiscuz on facebook wants to get this data?
I have to be sure about this.
So when user wants to login via facebook his data is added to wordpress database? in which tables?
yes, the date is stored in following WordPress tables:
- wp_usermeta
- wp_users
Please note wp_ is just a WordPress database tables default prefix. In your case, the prefix can differ.
But there is clear in next step that wpDiscuz on facebook wants to get this data?
This text has no relation to wpDiscuz, it shows by Facebook side when you're creating the Application Key and Secret for your website.
Ok thank you very much,