I am a bit confused with the subscriptions... I do not want to send emails to people so I have turned off the email subscription. However, I see there is another subscription with a bell which I am not sure what does. I see that I can disable it for a post if I click the user button and then subscription, but then I can not find a way to enable it later. Also, in the user menu subscriptions tab I can not see which exact comment subscription I disable (it shows only the post but not the comment). Maybe I do not understand something...
Finally, does the follow option send notifications if the user makes a post, or only a comment?
Also, if I decide not to use subscription and follow, is there an easy way to remove them from the my content and settings box? (without extra css)
Finally, with BuddyPress, all comment replies appear as notifications. Is there a way to disable notifications on a specific comment (similar to facebook)?
Hi logaritym,
This option allows you to subscribe to certain comment replies. You can simply disable it from Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Subscription admin page.
More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-documentation/settings/email-subscription/#notify_of_new_replies
Finally, with BuddyPress, all comment replies appear as notifications. Is there a way to disable notifications on a specific comment (similar to facebook)?
Please check this support topic: