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Remove wpDiscuz Social Buttons

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I installed Social Login, so I have no need of the social buttons that appear on top of the comment form from wpDiscuz. I'm not even sure what they do. I thought they were "social share" buttons, but I turned off the social share buttons in the wpdiscuz settings and it didn't help. I just need people to be able to login with their social logins, but I have already accomplisehd that with "social login" (which btw I think is making the wpdiscuz buttons not work right, even though it was recommended). I already have the functionality I need, so how do I just remove these wpdiscuz buttons? thanks

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to clarify, these wpdiscuz buttons I want to remove have "Connect with" in front of them.

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Hi Liz,

Those button should work fine, those buttons are the same WP Social Login buttons. However if you don't want to display those under comment box you can use CSS code. Please go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz Settings > Styling Tab and put this css code in "Custom CSS Code" textarea:

.wc_social_plugin_wrapper{ display:none; }

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