Hi there,
I just relaunched my site and I am now using WP Discuz for my comment. Unfortunately I have the problem to get any comment double. By deactivating the plugin everything is fine but I would really like to use it.
Here is a link where you can see the problem:
What can I do? Is this a problem in combination with the theme (impreza)? Any update on wordpress and the theme and other plugin is been made.
Thanks and br, Joerg
yes I migrated them from another WordPress...
br, Joerg
Hi JoergRoos,
we didn't detected the reason yet, but migrated comments have this issue. The reason is not in wpDiscuz, but in missing data in comment tables. Try to fix using [Refresh comment optimization] and [Remove vote date] buttons. They are located below wpDiscuz Settings. Also please reset all caches.
Thanks. That seems to work!