Hello, sometimes I see in Chrome Developer Tools this error:
POST https://mysite.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 400 error
It happens randomly - not for every article open/reload. When I inspect this issue, I can see in Headers this code:
{"users":[{"email":"qsieieie@t3teir.pm","name":"loko"},{"email":"jrgu@pragehz.pm","name":"weth"},{"email":"re.re@pragehz.pm","name":"Lolo71"},{"email":"jynffrx@rznvy.pm","name":"Mirko H."}]}
thanks for reply. And what exactly is causing this in Online Users add-on? Is there any way how to fix this? We have our custom server, so our site can't overload (we checked the server logs) and server usage is about 20 - 30 percent. We are trying to have "good" site with no errors in Chrome Dev Tools, so I hope there is a chance to solve this 🙂
I'm really sorry, but we can't say the exact reason of the issue. The issue is happening when WordPress can't find the action of the ajax, so we can't manage the reason for it.Â
We need access to check it on your website, but as you already mention you get the error rarely, so it will be so hard to detect the issue and try to fix it.
Hello Elvina, I've checked our server log and this issue is causing so much errors and time-delays for loading page, as you can see on this screenshots:
If you want, I can send you access to our staging site to inspect that issue, but please tell me where, because I don't want to post the credentials here on the forum board 🙂
Please send the admin login details to info[at]gvectors.com email address. I'll ask the developers to check it for you.
Thank you. Email sent 🙂
The issue is fixed by our developers.Â
Please delete all caches, reset all JS minifications, then press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend and check.Â
thank you, I will check it soon. And what changes exactly your developer did on our site? Can you please let me know 🙂Â
ok, thanks for letting me know. So you updated the Online plugin to the new version, or you fixed it on your server side? 🙂
ok, thanks for reply. And can you please tell me where exactly you did the changes? I need to know for our server admin, because we have no access from WP admin to filesystem on the server 🙂 so we need to know what (or where) you did the changes 🙂Â
All changes were done in the /wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz-online-users/assets/js/wou.js file.Â
Amazing, thank you very much 🙂