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Options not updating

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I installed WPDiscuz but my options aren't displaying on the  comment form. For example, I disabled the voting, CAPTCHA, and header text but they are still displaying although showing as updated in the settings section. I have disabled Jetpack Comments (that fixed the reply button issue), cleared the site cache and the browser cache and have tried it on Safari and Chrome, as well as had a few others try it on their computers. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4214

Hi thebookwheel,

That's only a cache problem, also if you had Jatpack it also cause such issues. Please make sure you've disabled all Jatpack options related to comments. Then delete all cache and purge CDN. Wait for 10 minutes and test it.

If it doesn't help, deactivate/delete wpDiscuz then install it again, then delete all caches and test again.

If it doesn't help just sent admin login details to support[at] email address. We'll check and find the issue.

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