Hey there! 🙂
I use a lot of of audio-messages (via a tool I bought) to answer my comments. So I have a lot of iframes in my comments. When I activate the plugin, all my iframes disappear. Is there a setting so that I can allow iframes? A least from the admin?
Thanks a lot and many greetings!
Hi changenow,
I'm sorry but I have no clue for this, even WordPress default comment system doesn't allow iframe in comments. You should ask the plugin developer to add support for wpDiscuz or find some developer to do this custom work.
Hi Tom! 🙂
This is really weird, because I can add iframes as an admin in my WP-Backend. It actually works. 😉 Can't add them from the front-end. But back-end works. So I hoped, this would be the case with wpdiscuz too. But all my iframes disappear as soon as I activate your plugin. Real bummer. No other ideas?
I don't know the backend. Try it on front. Backend is an admin area and it may be allowed.
Also it's maybe performed by a plugin you used for this iframe. And this plugin can't work with