i just install wpDiscuz on my WordPress blog, and after some hours of looking and trying all options then i have some questions and i hope you can help me fix it....
1-If you look at this picture, you will see that in original style before installing wpDiscuz i was have mailchimp subscribe check box before (post comment) but after installing wpDiscuz this box has disappear, so how i can got it back?
2-in same picture you will see that (post comment box style) in original and before installing wpDiscuz it was same website style, but after installing wpDiscuz it also changes, so how to got it back?
3-my site is in Finnish language, but wpDiscuz in fornt end is in English language, even if i mark up option (Use Plugin .PO/.MO files) its still in English language, how to fix that?
4-if i try to translate the plugin in Finnish language, so how to translate ONLY front end and subscribe messages?
5-do i can customize subscribe message? (the messages what subscribers got when somebody replay to them comment) i want to customize it like my theme style (like mailchimp email customization)
Thank you so much for this perfect plugin and waiting for your replay.
Hi Mario2,
1-If you look at this picture, you will see that in original style before installing wpDiscuz i was have mailchimp subscribe check box before (post comment) but after installing wpDiscuz this box has disappear, so how i can got it back?
wpDiscuz doesn't support MailChimp yet. There is no option to get it back. wpDiscuz has built-in comment subscription system with three options. So your commenters will be able to subscribe to post comments without MailChimp.
2-in same picture you will see that (post comment box style) in original and before installing wpDiscuz it was same website style, but after installing wpDiscuz it also changes, so how to got it back?
There is no way to get it back. wpDiscuz has its own layout and style, it doesn't inherit theme style.
3-my site is in Finnish language, but wpDiscuz in fornt end is in English language, even if i mark up option (Use Plugin .PO/.MO files) its still in English language, how to fix that? 4-if i try to translate the plugin in Finnish language, so how to translate ONLY front end and subscribe messages?
You should not enable .Po and .Mo files, because there is no Finnish translation file yet. You should use phrase system to translate all front-end phrases.The front-end phrase manager located in Comments > wpDiscuz > Phrases page.
5-do i can customize subscribe message? (the messages what subscribers got when somebody replay to them comment) i want to customize it like my theme style (like mailchimp email customization)
It's located on the same Phrase Manager page, screenshot:
Now it show Phrase page, yesterday till today morning it was not show, but now it show alone.
Thank you again
The Phrase menu depends on the "Enable .PO .MO translation files" option. If you disable this option Phrase menu becomes available.
Hello Tom, please i have to ask you something more and thank you so much for your patience, about first question for this mailchimp box what have disappear, what i mean in that (this box is for subscribe to newsletters not for comment) that's why it was important to ask.
Do you have any suggestions about this? for example if there anyway to show this box back or any alternative method?
if it was about comment subscribe so there is no problem as you said, but its about newsletters subscribe.
Thank you again
Hi morio2,
I don't see the idea to ask people for newsletter subscription in comment form. When people post a comment, they want to get notification when somebody replies or when a new comment is posted under the same post. The newsletter subscription form should be before comment box and under post content like it's on most websites.
I'm really sorry but there is no why to put it in wpDiscuz comment form yet. I really have no any clue for this. The only way I see is changing MailChimp to Postmatic. This plugin is already integrated with wpDiscuz.
Thank you so much for your answer and your help.