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New comment on the discussion section you've been interested in email is blank

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Members in my site are suddenly getting emails saying:

New comment on the discussion section you've been interested in



That's all, just the comment and an unsubscribe link!

Why would that be?  How can I fix this or turn it off?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6284

Hi Dano,

Members in my site are suddenly getting emails saying:

Members are getting subscription email, as they subscribe for new follow-up comments or new replies to comments.  If they don't want to get notification, they should unsubscribe. All subscription settings are located in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Subscription admin page. 

In addition you can manage email notification content in Dashboard > Comments > Phrases > Email admin page.  


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Thanks for the response.


However, why would the email be blank?  Surely if there is a response, it would show the response!?

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Hope you don't mind me following up, but I am getting more people saying they are confused because they are getting a blank email with no details or links to the comments, only with an unsubscribe link.  

Is this a bug that is being fixed?

This didn't used to be an issue.

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How can they know what comment is getting a reply and how to find it when there is no link!?

The specific comment that they get is:

"New reply on the discussion section you've been interested in


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OK, I found it in phrases.

Interesting, it looks like these setting must have changed, because this never used to be an issue.

I have used the shortcode now such as [POST_URL], however, it comes through without being a link.  Is there a way to actually make it a hyperlink?

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @dano,

Could you please leave an example URL? 

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Hi there

I can't because it's a membership site.

But my point is that the link is given in text, but it has no clickable link. So people have to copy and paste the link which may be difficult for many.

Is there a setting or shortcode in phrases for it to come through as a link rather than just text?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6284

Hi Dano,

We cannot check this issue without URL (you can send it private or to support[at] email address). 

It seems your plugins or theme change html content type to text plain. We suggest deactivating plugins one by one, switch to default theme, test it again. 

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