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06/12/2016 1:10 pm
I want to include comment author in 'Notify of new replies'.
Anyone could achieve it by customize PHP code?
06/12/2016 1:56 pm
I'm sorry but this is not an easy task. You should find some developer for this custom PHP code.
Topic starter
19/01/2017 6:29 pm
It could be customized without help.
/** * notify on comment new replies */ public function notifyCommentSubscribers($parent_comment_id, $new_comment_id, $email, $postId) { $emails_array = $this->dbManager->getNewReplyNotification($parent_comment_id, $email); $subject = ($this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_new_reply_email_subject']) ? $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_new_reply_email_subject'] . ': "' . get_post( $postId )->post_title . '"' : __('New Reply', 'wpdiscuz'); $message = ($this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_new_reply_email_message']) ? get_user_by('email', $email)->display_name . $this->optionsSerialized->phrases['wc_new_reply_email_message'] : __('New reply on the discussion section you\'ve been interested in', 'wpdiscuz'); foreach ($emails_array as $e_row) { $this->emailSender($e_row, $new_comment_id, $subject, $message); } }