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Import Comments with Rating

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I need to import some comments with rating from another system to wpDiscuz. Importing data to tables 'wp_comments' and 'wp_commentmeta' (in particular meta custom_field_rating) is not too complicated, but a meta wpdiscuz_rating_count is also needed in table 'wp_postmeta' (this meta summarizes all the ratings for the post).

This is a bit more tricky, is there a way I can calculate this meta afterwards in admin, e.g. by editing post or a comment? As I have approximately 200 posts, this would be acceptable.

Thanks for your help

Famed Member Admin
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Hi nrichard,

I'm sorry but there is no an easy way to do this. This requires a PHP code to collect all rating data from source database, then find the correct post in target database and insert according value in wp_postmeta. This is a PHP/MySQL job. I'm sorry but there is no any tool to perform this.

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Thank you for your answer, I know what I have to do now 😉

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